A simple side dish... Oh heck, who am I kidding? Eat enough of these and they can be dinner! Tater tots are a very popular frozen food item, but making them at home is incredibly simple, with just a few key techniques and tips.
1 1/2 lb potatoes, starchy kind, like Burbank Russet
lemon juice
1 1/2 tbsp flour
1 tsp cornstarch
3/4 tsp Lawry's seasoning salt
1 tsp garlic powder
tt black pepper
peanut oil or another oil you prefer for frying
Read Susie's Tips and Tricks below
1. Prepare the potatoes: Peel potatoes, and cut in large chunks. Place in salt water for 20 minutes. Drain water and replace with fresh. Add a tbsp of lemon juice and sprinkling of salt. Now bring heat to simmer, not a hard boil. Par-cook for approximately 5 minutes. Drain and place in iced water; set aside to cool the potatoes.
2. Prepare your oil. If using a deep fryer or air fryer, follow their instructions. If using a pot on the stove, you want a thermometer that will read 350F. This will take about 6-10 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, thoroughly dry the potato chunks with a paper towel and grate using a medium grater. You want small 'chips' of potato. Place in a large bowl. Sprinkle flour, cornstarch, seasoned salt, garlic, and pepper all over the potatoes (don't dump it on). Gently toss with a fork.
4. Mold a small ball of potato, then squeeze into desired shape. Do a taster potato to confirm timing.
5. Now gently place your tots in the 350F* oil. Turn once in a while, until they are nicely browned, approximately 4 to 5 minutes. Remove and place on a cookie rack or a few paper towels. Salt if desired.
If you want to serve all taters at the same time; preheat your oven to warm (175F) and store until ready to serve.
*As you cook each batch be sure to allow the oil to return to 350F each time.
Susie's Tips and Tricks
Don't use a waxy potato (like red) for this recipe. I experimented... it doesn't work. Burbank Russet potatoes absorb less oil, are crisper, shrink less, and retain their shape.
When you buy potatoes, look for the right variety. A package with Idahoan potatoes could be any variety (check the label).
The lemon juice helps the potatoes retain their shape. Cornstarch gives an extra crispy finish.
Don't store potatoes in the fridge; it causes the sugar to turn to starch. When potatoes are stored too cold they tend to have black spots.
Don't add too many 'fries' or 'taters' to the fryer; it will steam them. They shouldn't be touching each other.
You could add some shredded cheddar cheese if desired.