Corn Tortilla Makin' Guide
Its easy to read a package of masa and make fresh
tortillas, but the tricks to making it an easy effortless
result will help you make the ultimate corn tortillas
made from a mix out there.
Understanding the dough
2 cups masa makes approximately 16 4" tortillas
A 1 oz ball = 4" tortilla
Need a trick to create uniform dough balls without
a scale? Roll the dough into an even cylinder.
Now slice off even discs.
Be sure and add a sprinkling of salt (1/2 tsp will suffice)
Use HOT water
Why less or more water? Grains hold varying amounts
of moisture depending on the time of year and humidity.
Add liquid a little at a time; don't dump in all at once.
Using more water results in thinner tortillas.
You want a firm non-sticky mass; if it sticks add the tiniest amount of masa.
Cover dough with damp paper towel.
Let sit 20-30 minutes after mixing; this is the key.
Secret: Instead of plain water; Blend a 15 oz can of corn with 1 cup drain then use the 'corn water' --this gives you that fresh corn taste that you just can't get without true fresh masa.
Use a zipper storage bag on the top and bottom section of the press (wash
and store together to use again).
Baking powder loses its efficacy over a mere 10 months. I date my baking powder so I know when to toss.
Masa for tamales is ground more coarsely. Masa for tortillas is finer.
On the griddle
Let the edges dry out and then flip-about 1 1/2 to 2 minutes.
Your griddle or comal should be hot enough to give tortillas some light brown spots.
Poke the sides so that it will puff.
Corn Tortillas Recipe
Mix in a bowl:
2 1/2 cups masa harina
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
With a fork or a pastry blender incorporate:
1/3 cup shortening or lard
It should resemble a coarse meal
Slowly add:
1 cup hot water (around 160F) and a squeeze of lime juice;
you may use a little less because of the humidity in the flour.
You want to form a mass that holds together. Don’t add all the water at once. Incorporate a little at a time. Form into a ball as you knead it.
Now rest the dough. (Cover and set aside) It’s essential to do this. Letting the masa fully absorb the liquid for 20-30 minutes.
Now pinch off approximately 1 oz or a golf ball size piece of dough. If the dough appears to be fighting you? And is rolling back. Cover again and rest another 10 minutes.
Shape accordingly. It takes practice to create a round tortilla. You can also use a tortilla press. Wetter dough produce thinner results. The first side should have brown spots in about 30 seconds. Then flip. You may flip again if desired. Don’t push on the tortilla with the back of a spatula. Let it cook on heavy skillet or comal on hot skillet.
You can substitute warm milk for the water if you wanted extra nutrition for kids.
Once they are cooked; wrap in a clean cloth.