Dec 13, 20242 min read
Raisin Bread with a bread machine
A classic old fashioned raisin bread

Dec 1, 20242 min read
Apple cider apple bits bread
Apple cider bread with apple bits. This bread has a superior apple flavour.
Hi, I'm Susy of KitchenAdore.
I've created this site to provide information, inspiration, and conversation around my favorite subject: food! I focus on clean, healthy foods, while keeping in mind typical household budgets.
I've spent my life learning and loving to cook. Besides having plenty of mouths to feed at home, I've attended culinary school, been a personal chef, and love making up recipes. I currently work as a chef at small hospice house preparing food for 12 end-of-life residents.
I hope you learn valuable tips and tricks from me, as I'm sure that I'll learn a lot from you!
Healthy Cooking!